Exam regulations

Exam regulations for the Professional facilitator training
in Transformational Breath® (Level IV)


The exam of the professional facilitator training for Transformational Breath® is part of Level IVB and exists of the following parts:

1) You need to show an open and connected breath during a self-session.
2) Written exam on the subjects as discussed during the training.
3) Observed individual session with an exam client.
4) Coaching session via phone or live with a client of at least half an hour.

Exam dates
The above described exam parts will all take place during Level IVB.

The costs of the exam are included in the tuition fee.

Exam questions
These are created by the Transformational Breath Foundation are similar in all trainings worldwide.

The written exam is marked with a prespecified number of points with which the finanl grade will be calculated. The final grade will be rounded to one decimal behind the comma. A final grade of 6,0 or higher constitutes a passed exam.

The other exam parts are marked qualitatively by the TBF senior trainers of that particular Level IVB.
The total of the appraisals of the exam parts will decide whether the student has passed the exam.

Right of inspection
All materials relevant to the written or practical exam, including the appraisals of the examinators are kept.
All students have the right of inspection of these materials as well as discussion about these materials and a motivation of the appraisal.

The written exam is marked twice: once by the responsible senior trainer and once by an independent person.
Appraisals for the practical exam parts will be done qualitatively during the exam. Feedback is given individually after the event and the student is granted a chance to correct any insufficiently performed exam parts. These points will need to be demonstrated as sufficient during either the remaining breathing sessions or coaching sessions during Level IVB or during a follow-up period. This will be
Beoordelingen voor de praktische onderdelen van het examen vinden op kwalitatieve wijze plaats tijdens de examens. Feedback wordt naderhand persoonlijk gegeven waardoor de individuele deelnemer de kans krijgt om eventuele onvoldoende uitgevoerde examenonderdelen te corrigeren of bij te leren. Deze punten dienen vervolgens tijdens de overige adem/coachsessies tijdens Level IVB of in het vervolgtraject als voldoende gedemonstreerd te worden. This is at the discretion of the mentor and senior trainer.

Objections against the appraisal of the exam can be submitted to the senior trainer within one week of the announcement of the results.

In case of insufficient grades for the passing of the exam, the student, senior trainer and the Transformational Breath Foundation will reach an agreement as to how a resit can be provided. Any additional costs incurred for the resit are the responsibility of the student. There is a maximum of two resits.

Fraud provision
Anyone who is involved in the exam and who suspects fraud, is obliged to report this to the senior trainer. The senior trainers can take measures against students who have committed fraud or other irregularities in regards to the exam. A consultation between the student and all those involved will be held before taking aforementioned measures.

It is the responsibility of the senior trainer to judge the behaviours, actions and such of a student as irregular. In case of serious irregularities, consultation will take place between the involved senior trainer(s) and the board of the Transformational Breath Foundation. In such case, the board of the Transformation Breath Foundation has final say.

All parties will be informed in writing of the taken measures.

Examples of such measures are:

• Invalidation of the exam results;
• Exclusion of (further) participation in the exam.

In case a student is absent during an exam, without notice, that particular part of the exam will be marked as insufficient.
In case of a valid reason for absence, a solution will be sought for a resit of the missed exam parts.

Laat je inspireren

Adem diep, lach voluit

In dit boek vertelt Judith Kravitz over Transformational Breath.

Energiek met Kanker

Els heeft een VIP traject bij Altractive gevolgd. Ze vertelt in een video over haar ervaringen.

Inspiratie: Licht Links

Een pagina vol inspirerende activiteiten, blogs en video’s met de grote meesters om jou op te tillen.

Mijn missie

In mijn werk en leven combineer ik de traditionele geneeskunde met holistische technieken, zowel in mijn rol van arts als van naaste van kankerpatiënten. Mijn opleidingen en mijn ervaringen hebben mijn visie op ziekte en heling gevormd. Mijn missie is om (kanker)patiënten en hun familie optimaal te ondersteunen en begeleiden, met technieken die werken op alle lagen van het zijn als mens. Ik maak graag kennis met je.